Fifth Annual Fund Report

Dear Friend of The Generals Redoubt:

We are pleased to provide this final report for our Fifth Annual Fund drive which concluded at the end of our annual fund year ending June 30.

Thanks to the generous support of 728 individual donors and our matching partners, the Fifth Annual Fund raised $1,239,371 between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. This amount exceeded our $1,000,000 goal by 24%. It also represents an increase of 24% over the amount raised in our previous Annual Fund.

As outlined in the attached Annual Report from last year, The Generals Redoubt is putting those funds to work in a variety of areas, including:

  • Partnering with student organizations and the Southmayd Center for American Ideals (CAI) to bring to campus nationally known speakers whose viewpoints may otherwise not be shared with Washington and Lee students. Last year, we provided substantial financial support to attract Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Bret Baier, and Jonathan Haidt to the Mock Convention, and sponsored a very successful appearance by Matt Walsh, the author of What Is A Woman?
  • Working with the Steamboat Institute to support a Campus Liberty Tour event and lively debate at Washington and Lee entitled “Do DEI Policies Create More Problems Than They Resolve?”
  • Finalizing plans for redevelopment of our permanent home at Fancy Hill outside of Lexington. We anticipate that the renovation will be completed in late spring of 2025 when Fancy Hill can be fully utilized for on-site, virtual and campus program outreach to students and alumni.
  • Providing financial support for The W&L Spectator, which is a student-run publication that offers alternative viewpoints to the often-woke outlook of the Ring Tum Phi. With TGR’s support, The Spectator has quadrupled its staff, redesigned its website, and dramatically increased its output. 
  • Supporting the Alumni Free Speech Alliance to encourage freedom of expression and civil discourse on campuses across America. We are one of the founding members (along with UVa, Princeton, Cornell, and Davidson), and are pleased to report that AFSA has grown to 30 member groups.
  • Producing and distributing promotional “swag” merchandise such as caps, mugs, t-shirts, and other items which we are working hard to distribute to our supporters, including a growing number of students on campus.
  • Hosting events with students and parents, including an upcoming Parents’ Weekend book-signing with Gib Kerr, the author of Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee. TGR has also assisted with the promotion and distribution of Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee to many of our supporters.
  • Under the guidance of our recently hired post-graduate fellow Kamron Spivey, TGR is producing several short videos on Robert E. Lee and other historical figures who played a role in Washington and Lee's development. We are planning to distribute these videos to students and others, particularly through an enhanced social media initiative.
  • Maintaining regular communication with our email list of over 12,000 alumni to keep them informed on the latest developments on campus and to encourage the leadership of Washington and Lee to maintain the traditions, values, and history of the university.

We are building bridges to many key stakeholders at Washington and Lee, including current and emeritus members of the Board of Trustees, along with students, parents, and alumni. We are engaged in a long-term effort, but we are committed to the cause, no matter how long it takes.

Thank you again for your support. We hope to see you in Lexington soon.


The Generals Redoubt

Please consider supporting our Sixth Annual Fund with a donation today.

Each donor at the $500 level or higher will receive a complimentary copy of “Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee” signed by the author.

To receive your signed copy, please reply with your pledge, along with your name, mailing address, and phone number. Your contribution will support our ongoing efforts to sponsor speakers, programs, and other initiatives in Lexington that will advance our mission to preserve the history, traditions, and values that made W&L great.

We thank you for your support. Together, we are making steady progress to save our beloved alma mater.

You may contribute via credit card at or check per information in italics below. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

To donate by check please make payable to:

The Generals Redoubt and mail to: The Generals Redoubt, P.O. Box 1097, Lexington, VA 24450. Thank you.

The Generals Redoubt (TGR) is a non-partisan 501 (c) (3) organization that is not aligned with, nor supports, any political party, individual, or organization.


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