A Larger movement

The origins of The Generals Redoubt (TGR) go back to 2017, when a handful of Washington and Lee alumni reacted to the creation of a Commission on Institutional History and Community. This action was triggered by events in Charlottesville, Virginia during the summer of 2017.  The Commission's report, outlining 31 recommendations, triggered a letter to the University President that was endorsed by 800 alumni in the summer of 2018.  TGR came formally to life as a nonstock, tax exempt Virginia Corporation in May 2019.  

As an early participant in pushing back against the Woke Mind Virus and its troubling practices, in 2021 TGR joined with four similar groups to create the Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA). Together, they represented alumni from Princeton University, Cornell University, Davidson College, the University of Virginia, and, of course, Washington and Lee University.  AFSA membership is now approaching 30 groups, with many more in the pipeline. Its focus is Free Speech, Academic Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity.  AFSA could be charatcertized as a “like-minded organization.”  Listed below are several other like-minded orgamizations, which TGR is coming to know and respect.  We consider them as important allies in the battle to return higher education to its classical liberal arts roots.  With the passage of time, we expect this list to grow, resulting in the formation of active partnerships with many of them on a variety of shared issues.