A New Academic Year

A new academic year begins this week, and as always, the freshmen class has been swarmed with activities, orientations, and community outings. Students have learned about the Honor System, they’ve toured all the academic facilities, and they’ve no doubt already discovered some of their favorite restaurants in Lexington.

But one thing they have not learned about is President Robert E. Lee and how he saved this institution from the destitution of war. People tell me that this used to be a standard lesson for incoming students, a fundamental experience in every student’s journey through Washington and Lee University.

Truth be told, I remember hardly anything from my freshman orientation in the late summer of 2020. The world was upside down, and orientation was a virtual experience that paled in comparison to the formal introduction given to students in Lee Chapel. But I am certain that Robert E. Lee’s name was absent from my orientation, a trend that has continued ever since.

 And that’s a big problem. Not because those of us with The Generals Redoubt are idolatrous worshippers of the Confederate general, and not simply because Lee’s name is part of the university. Students need to learn about Lee’s connection to the university because without him, none of us would share this community today. Lee is the pillar on which the university has and always will stand, and his virtuous teachings are just as beneficial to the Class of 2028 as they were to the Class of 1865.

And that’s why The Redoubt has tasked me, their inaugural postgraduate fellow, to fill this historical lacuna fabricated by the university and create a new video series that teaches students everything they need to know about Washington and Lee University’s rich history.

If you follow us on social media or YouTube, you may have already seen these videos. They’re short, three-to-four-minute clips that explain how Lee came to Washington College, and what he did as college president. We have several videos in the works, detailing Robert E. Lee and George Washington’s legacy, who John Robinson was, and much more!

Our goal is to create a digital archive of videos over the next year that students and alumni can watch when they want to learn more than the university tells them. Each project requires significant time, research, and resources, so as always, we appreciate your faithful support of The Generals Redoubt!

We’re including the first two videos in this email, and we ask you to please subscribe, like, and share them as new content continues to roll out.

Video 1: “Robert E. Lee Comes to Washington College”


Video 2: “Five Years with President Robert E. Lee”



Kamron M. Spivey, ‘24
Campus Director & Research Fellow


Was Lee a “Defender of Slavery?” (With Excerpts from Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee)


Fifth Annual Fund Report