What Is a Woman?

The question “What Is a Woman?” has vexed society for centuries, and led to spirited, but civil debate among philosophers, academics, writers, feminists, and even a sitting Supreme Court Justice.  Hallmarks of those discussions have been courtesy, decorum and a willingness to listen to opposing viewpoints.

Apparently, the concept of civil and courteous discourse has disappeared at Washington and Lee. As announced by the poster image above, the noted commentator Matt Walsh is speaking on that topic in Lee Chapel in a few days.

That prospect has sent the far-left members of The University Community into an emotional meltdown.  Totally disregarding the First Amendment rights of all members of this Community, a group of students has been circulating a petition demanding Mr. Walsh be prohibited from speaking.  At least one student (who apparently has not been disciplined) has posted a death threat to Mr. Walsh on social media. Posters for the event have been repeatedly torn down or defaced.  Many of the petition’s signatories are law students (who presumably have read The First Amendment) and some law professors (who likely have taken and/or taught courses on The First Amendment).

President Dudley has  claimed (but has refused to insist that Washington and Lee publicly and formally adopt them) his Administration  supports The Chicago Principles on Free Expression, which state that an institution will maintain an environment that insures that all members of The University Community are free to discuss ideas “even if some or even most members”  believe these ideas to be “disagreeable…offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrongheaded.”  Washington and Lee is required to “promote a lively and fearless freedom of debate and deliberation, but also to protect that freedom when others attempt to restrict it.” One only has to go back to the recent Virginia Governor’s election to see that The Chicago Principles on Free Expression statement is not followed on campus.

Almost one hundred of the most prestigious and influential institutions of higher learning have adopted The Chicago Principles.

What possible basis can exist for refusing to adopt a Statement that protects Free Speech and The First Amendment?  This fiasco concerning Mr. Walsh must provide an impetus for President Dudley to strongly recommend that The Board of Trustees adopt The Chicago Principles, that this statement becomes a policy applicable to all members of the Washington and Lee Community, and that The University insure compliance.

The fact that no member of The Administration and Faculty will likely make such a motion or suggestion exemplifies why such action is needed.

Circulating a petition is indisputably protected by The First Amendment.  Demanding Mr. Walsh be banned from speaking because some students and a limited number of faculty disagree with his views or his message is not protected.  Under The Chicago Principles, Washington and Lee has the unquestionable duty to ensure Mr. Walsh is allowed to speak in an atmosphere free from intimidation and threats.  See link to The W&L Spectator  presents Matt Walsh below:


Please donate to The Generals Redoubt to pay for professional research related to defending Lee Chapel as a National Historic Landmark, for future funding to educate students about the rich history and legacy of Robert E. Lee, and to help bring back diversity of thought.  As of January 1, 2023, confidential contributors have given new matching gifts that are currently at $193,000.00.  We need your help if we are to save Lee Chapel as a national treasure.  Thank you in advance for your support.  Information on how to contribute is found at https://www.thegeneralsredoubt.us/support.


Matt Walsh Lecture to Be Rescheduled


1924 Mock Convention Cover Letter