The Generals Redoubt, Now and the Future

TGR has come a long way from our humble beginnings. For 2024 The Generals Redoubt has been busy---working hard to provide support on campus for students to exercise freedom of speech, individual merit and critical thinking; alerting our readers and supporters on important issues local and nationwide affecting the culture and freedoms necessary to advance critical thinking and a collegial mutually respectful environment to gain a higher education. This takes a lot of work by TGR’s board, executive committee and supporting alumni. This also takes a lot of funding.


This year TGR has received a $400,000 Annual Fund challenge grant to advance our message and presence. Please help us reach this goal. Much has been accomplished on campus and in our Fancy Hill home base for our office and to base our resident and First TGR Fellow, Kamron Spivey. With your help, we can continue to improve our presence and effectiveness helping the Washington and Lee greater community of students, alumni and spiritual champions protect those values leading to individual and societal success.

Here are some of TGR’s 2024 Programs in action:

MOCK CON 2024:

Washington and Lee University should always be a place of living positive values, embodied in active traditions, Some are standard across higher ed, and others are unique to our alma mater. One of our greatest traditions is Mock Convention. By providing   an unparalleled experience for students to hear from the nation’s greatest leaders, but it also provides a critical analysis of America’s democratic process.

The Generals Redoubt was there to financially support this year’s Mock Convention, being the largest single contributor to this event, earning a place to engage fully in this experience. We raised $232,000 for the program, making us one of the largest contributors of the 2024 cycle.


The Executive Committee of the Student Body allocated $686,698.28 to student organizations this academic year. But the university refuses to distribute funds to political organizations (such as College Democrats and College Republicans). Even non-political groups, like Students for Historical Preservation, have struggled to receive adequate funding in past years.

The Generals Redoubt is proud to help offset the administrations’ cycloptic political bias. TGR contributed thousands of dollars to help students experience real life issues in a collegial campus of civility and mutual respect. Doing so helps eliminate these disparities and enable students to enjoy things as simple as an election night pizza party to as elaborate as Mock Convention.

Since Mock Convention we have helped sponsor multiple speakers on campus, including economist Stephen Moore and Chairman of Greenbrier County Republican Party, Ben Anderson.

These are frequent activities that don’t carry the pomp and circumstance that came with Mock Convention. But they are no less important to the students themselves. We sponsored around a dozen students at the annual Labor Day Breakfast in Buena Vista, where they got to meet Congressman Ben Cline, Lieutenant Governor Winsom Sears, and Senate-candidate Hung Cao. We don’t sponsor these events to show our support for one candidate or another. We sponsor these events so that students can have a memorable college experience.

TGR provided food and snacks for multiple watch parties throughout the term, most notably the presidential debates and election night. Click on link for one student’s observation of The Generals Redoubt’s helpful work on campus. - Google Drive
As College Republicans president Henry Haden, ’25, told us on election night: “The Generals Redoubt has been making great strides in changing the campus climate … and making many great events possible over my years at Washington and Lee.”

We need YOUR SUPPORT to continue these programs. Please donate generously to help us reach our $400,000 Challenge Grant toward TGR’s 6th Annual Fund!

Thank you!
Steven Robinson, President                                        Tom Rideout, Chairman of the Board

All contributions received between now and January 31, 2025, will go towards the MATCHED GIFT OF $400,000 provided by a group of generous supporters!

Donors of $500 or more will receive a signed copy of "Un-Cancel Robert E Lee". To receive your copy, please reply with your pledge, along with your name, mailing address, and phone number. Your contribution will support our ongoing efforts to sponsor speakers, programs, and other initiatives in Lexington that will advance our mission to preserve the history, traditions, and values that made W&L great. 

You may contribute via credit card at or check per information in italics below.  To donate by check please make payable to: The Generals Redoubt and mail to: The Generals Redoubt, P.O. Box 1097, Lexington, VA 24450. Thank you. 

The Generals Redoubt (TGR) is a non-partisan 501 (c) (3) organization conducting its mission in accordance with all legal provisions


Robert E. Lee and the “New South”


The Demonization of Confederates