CSPAN Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee

Please support The Generals Redoubt, which is funded entirely by donations.  At this time of year, please consider including TGR as part of your Required Minimum Distribution, which will not only reduce your tax liability, but also help TGR continue its great work.  

One focus of The Generals Redoubt's efforts on campus at Washington and Lee is to preserve the culture and traditions of our alma mater, and that cannot be done without a fair assessment of the life of General (and Washington College President) Robert E. Lee: indisputably a complicated man in turbulent times.

TGR Executive Committee Member and alumnus Gib Kerr earlier this year released "Un-Cancel Robert E. Lee: An Open Letter to The Trustees of Washington and Lee University."  Gib explores Lee's life in detail, including his difficult childhood, his stellar career as a United States Army officer, his agonizing decision not to bear arms against his home state of Virginia, as well as his motivation to decline command of the Union Army in April 1861.

Gib also devotes particular focus to the last years of Lee's life: when he served as the President of Washington College and worked tirelessly to unify a divided Republic and rebuild the decimated South.  Gib comprehensively addresses the emotional issues of whether Lee was a traitor and his perceived role in "The Lost Cause."  

Gib's book has been widely praised, and at Parents Weekend in October 2024 he discussed it in Lexington during a presentation that was recorded and broadcast by CSPAN.  Book publication was supported by a grant from The Generals Redoubt.

A link to the program is below, and we hope that you will find Gib's comments insightful and thought provoking.


Thanks and best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Stephen W. Robinson  ‘72A, ‘75L
The Generals Redoubt

All contributions received between now and January 31, 2025, will go towards the MATCHED GIFT OF $400,000 provided by a group of generous supporters!

Donors of $500 or more will receive a signed copy of "Un-Cancel Robert E Lee". To receive your copy, please reply with your pledge, along with your name, mailing address, and phone number. Your contribution will support our ongoing efforts to sponsor speakers, programs, and other initiatives in Lexington that will advance our mission to preserve the history, traditions, and values that made W&L great. 

You may contribute via credit card at https://www.thegeneralsredoubt.us/support or check per information in italics below.  To donate by check please make payable to: The Generals Redoubt and mail to: The Generals Redoubt, P.O. Box 1097, Lexington, VA 24450. Thank you. 

The Generals Redoubt (TGR) is a non-partisan 501 (c) (3) organization conducting its mission in accordance with all legal provisions


Happy New Year from Fancy Hill!


Robert E. Lee and the “New South”