A Philosophical Challenge for W&L’s President Dudley
President Dudley, a philosopher by trade, has in the past offered a seminar for first year students on a philosophical topic. So, I am pleased to propose the following suggestion for his next seminar, assuming his ongoing exertions in transforming the ethos of the University and expunging visible markers of its history permit. The seminar…
Read MoreHow Do You Teach History After It Has Been Erased
More than a month has passed since Traveller’s plaques were removed from campus at W&L. His grave marker outside Lee Chapel has now been replaced with a watered-down version removing any reference to Robert E. Lee—who gave Traveller his relevance—or the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, whose history (like Lee’s) has…
Read MoreLetter from UVA Graduate to President William C. Dudley
Dear President Dudley, Your latest attempt to eradicate every semblance of the traditions that make W&L a unique institution among America’s elite colleges is beyond the pale. I thought the removal of “all things connected with Robert E. Lee” was bad enough. Now you cannot even tolerate a plaque honoring his horse Traveller, who outlived…
Read MoreWashington’s Birthday
Perhaps there never was another man, whose personal character and conduct exercised an influence, so powerful and so beneficial, on the destiny of a great nation. James Grahame Many of us remember Washington and Lee’s Founders Day commemorations, held each year on January 19, Robert E. Lee’s birthday, as providing an…
Read MoreErrors and omissions made in the Ring-tum Phi editorial after Lee Chapel lecture.
Ladies and Gentlemen: The RTP reported on my speech and made some errors and omissions. Irequested an opportunity to make corrections and a polite responseallowed me 500 words that might be posted. Their omissions requiredmore than 500 words, so my response has been published in TheSpectator and is in link below for your review. http://www.wluspectator.com/home/2023/2/5/letter-to-the-editor…
Read MoreDevastation and Life Safety Concerns
Cover Letter for Rector’s Letter and Kamron Spivey’s ResponsePlus The W&L Spectator Article on University Officials Have Not Publicly Acknowledged “Life Safety” Concerns in Chapel Returning students have been welcomed back to campus by both President Dudley and Rector McAlevey, so we thought you would appreciate a reflection on what has transpired since the start…
Read MoreLet’s Have a Debate on Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee
August 3, 2022-Editor, The News-Gazette: On July 15, W&L Professor, Denny Garvis, sent a letter to the editor criticizing Robert E. Lee and the Lee family. He argued that the Lees built walls because they were slave owners, yet so were many other prominent families at the time, including the families of Washington and Jefferson…
Read MoreCharles Priestley Letter to Board of Trustees
Charles Priestley’s Cover Letter 19 April 2022 Dear Members of the Board of Trustees, I hope that you will allow a British student of American history to comment on the proposed changes to your University in general and to Lee Chapel in particular. I have been fortunate enough to have visited Washington and Lee three…
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